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Defender has proven that it can protect yields in times of stress, in crops like canola, barley and pulses that are susceptible to disease at the flowering stage.

The Technology

Vantage Ag - Defender is an enhanced plant nutrient formulation derived from our proprietary calcium silicate technology. This technology increases cell wall structure and integrity, allowing the plant to get through short periods of stress. Defender also promotes the uptake of phosphorus and other nutrients and the distribution of these nutrients within the plant. Our silicate technology also improves reproductive growth and increased resistance to extreme hot and cold temperatures.

When to Use

Defender is designed to be used foliarly at fungicide application timing. Defender has proven to that it can protect yields in time of stress, in crops like canola, barley and pulses that are susceptible to disease at the flowering stage. This stress can be disease, insects and variations in temperature. Calcium is a secondary nutrient that is critical to crop development. It is needed in large amounts by all plants for the formation of the cell and cell walls. Anything that slows transpiration, such as extreme temperatures, can induce calcium deficiency even if the calcium levels are normal in the soil. Saline soils are an example where calcium maybe deficient, as sodium will reduce calcium uptake.


Defender is designed to be used foliarly at early bloom stage of all crops. Consult label for specific application instructions. Rate on all prairie crops is 500mL per acre foliar applied. This product will tank mix with fungicides but always conduct a jar test to ensure compatibility. The results pertain to physical compatibility and cannot predict changes in crop protection, product efficacy or crop tolerance. Test all crop protection products applied at high end of recommended rates.

Physical Characteristics


7% Ca + .02% B + 2% Si




White Liquid


DO NOT ALLOW PRODUCT TO FREEZE - will come out of suspension.

* Registration pending

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